Question: (x+2)(x-4)

Comment on (x+2)(x-4)

Why is this answer choice D when x is equal to 2.5. I thought -2.5 is less than -2 hence, the answer will be quantity B is greater.
greenlight-admin's picture

Be careful. We aren't concluding that x EQUALS -2.5
We're concluding that x is GREATER THAN -2.5

So, for example, x COULD equal -2.3 in which case Quantity B is greater.

Conversely, x COULD equal -1 in which case Quantity A is greater.

Or... x COULD equal -2 in which case the two quantities are EQUAL

So, the answer must be D

If we had the equality sign "greater than or equal" to -2.5. Quantity B would be greater right?
greenlight-admin's picture

Be careful, when it comes to negative numbers the number with the number with greater the magnitude is the smaller number.
For example, -100 < -5


IF the inequality were x ≥ -2.5, then answer would still be D.
If x ≥ -2.5, then...
x COULD equal -2.1, in which case quantity B is greater
x COULD equal -2, in which case the quantities are equal
x COULD equal -1, in which case quantity A is greater

On the other hand, IF the inequality were x ≤ -2.5, then answer would be B.

Does that help?


I had the same mistake. Read carefully.. the answer is right in front of us. Thanks

It's a bit confusing. Careful reading helps
greenlight-admin's picture


What would the difficulty level for a problem like this be?
greenlight-admin's picture

I'd say this is a medium-level question (in the 150-159 range)


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