Lesson: Growth Tables

Comment on Growth Tables

why did you take time to be 0 in the table?
greenlight-admin's picture

Time = 0 represents the present (0 months from now).
Time = 3 represents the 3 months from now.
Time = 6 represents the 6 months from now.
Time = 9 represents the 9 months from now.


A) x < 5
This need not be true.
Norman could have sold 6 bikes in the first week (x = 6) and then sold 1000 bikes in the second week (y = 1000)
if the number of bikes in the first week is less than 5, what will be the approach when you consider that he could have sold 6 bikes?
greenlight-admin's picture

Question link: https://gre.myprepclub.com/forum/as-a-bicycle-salesperson-2529.html

I'm not sure what you've asking.
We're asked to find which statement(s) must be true.
Statement A says that x must be less than 5.
In my solution, I showed that x can be greater than 5. In other words, I showed that statement A need not be true.
"If the number of bikes in the first week is less than 5, what will be the approach when you consider that he could have sold 6 bikes?"
I'm confused with "...what will be the approach when you consider that he could have sold 6 bikes?"
When you say "sold 6 bikes", what time frame are you referring to? Week 1 or week 2?


On July 1, 2017, a certain tree was 128 centimeters tall. Each year, the tree's height increases 50%.
Given this growth rate, the tree's height on July 1, 2023 will be how many centimeters greater than the tree's height on July 1, 2022?
I didn't understand the solution provided by you!!
greenlight-admin's picture

Link to my solution: https://gre.myprepclub.com/forum/on-july-1-2017-a-certain-tree-was-128-c...

We're told that the tree's height increases 50% each year.
So, the tree's height in any given year will be 1.5 TIMES the height the year before.
For example, if the tree's height was 40 cm in 2017, then tree's height in 2018 = (1.5)(40)

In my solution, I calculate the tree's height by multiplying the previous year's height by 1.5

Does that help/

Cheers, Brent

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