Question: Distance Between Intercepts

Comment on Distance Between Intercepts

Is there any other faster way to do the above problem ?
greenlight-admin's picture

I can't think of a faster way.

I didn't solve the line equation, instead, I took the slope equation and got it the other (5,0) & (0,10). Equation of slope -2= (8 - 0)/(6-x) since X-intercept=0 & for slope 1/2= (8-y)/(6-0) & Y-intercept=0. Please correct me if I'm doing it wrong
greenlight-admin's picture

That's a perfectly valid solution. Nice work!
One of the nice properties of GRE math questions is that they can often be solved using a variety of approaches.

Hi Brent, to clarify for y-intercept of (0,5), not quite get why is 0 here in x co-ordinate? Could you hep clarify? Thanks Brent

Have the question asked x-intercept then it will be (6, -10) right?
greenlight-admin's picture

The y-intercept of line k is the place where the line crosses the y-axis.
All points on the y-axis will have x coordinate 0.

Conversely, the x-intercept of line k is the place where the line crosses the y-axis.
All points on the x-axis will have y coordinate 0.
So, (6, -10) cannot be the coordinates of an x-intercept.

For more on this, You might want to watch this video on x- and y-intercepts:

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