Lesson: Identifying the Main Idea

Comment on Identifying the Main Idea


Nicely done as usual! Love iiiiiiiiiiit!

Hello Brent,

I was going through the reinforcement section, and found this question (in link) quite challenging.


I was wondering how the main idea of this passage (first question) was choice B.

Moreover, in last question of same passage, how can we assume a radio broadcast of two artist discussing painting s would support the author's thesis (choice B) to be correct. I was being sure choice A would be more credible answer.

I'd be glad to get your explanations on this.

Thank You
greenlight-admin's picture

Question link: https://gre.myprepclub.com/forum/qotd-14-matisse-and-picasso-picasso-and...

QUESTION 1 (primary purpose): Early in the passage we hear about Bois' chess metaphor. The author then suggests that the chess metaphor is misleading, and that a "better model" is that of a simple conversation. For the remainder of the passage, the author provides evidence to support this "better model".

Among the answer choices, B best describes this process.

QUESTION 4 (Which of the following, had it actually occurred during the artists’ lifetimes): Since the author's main point is that the artists’ relationship was akin to a "simple conversation," a radio broadcast of the artists discussing painting (answer choice B) would very much support the author’s thesis.

Answer choice A (A joint exhibition of the two artists’ work) doesn't necessarily support the author's "simple conversation" analogy.

Does that help?


Thank you sir!
Now, I'm quite clear on this.

Hi Brent! Can the main theme of the passage on " import laws" be " prediction"? Or is it "explanation"? Thank you!
greenlight-admin's picture

I'd say the main theme is that the input laws are being abused, and that the purpose of the passage is to explain why this is so.
Although the information in the passage could be used to predict future abuse of the laws, I wouldn't say this is the main theme.

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