Question: Stalin's Message

Comment on Stalin's Message

Dear Sir
I have some observation to make.In the question no. 4 at 3:35 minutes , it is asked to find the sentence from the first or second paragraph that describes the common goal.But for the answer we find the goal in the fourth

Sir if we look at the last line of 1st paragraph where it is mentioned that Stalin took unapologetically aggressive approach to create a socialist state which Lenin was unwilling to take.So can we not infer that both of them had same goal to create a socialistic state, although Stalin's may not be as liberal as Lenin as mentioned in the same sentence.

greenlight-admin's picture

I'm not sure that the last sentence is the best answer. It reads...

"While he [Stalin] is viewed by some as a traditionalist for reversing his predecessor's liberal social policies, he is viewed by others as a progressive for taking the unapologetically aggressive approach to the creation of a socialist state that Lenin was unwilling to take."

So, this sentence is largely about whether Stalin was a traditionalist or a progressive. It also talks about how Stalin took an aggressive approach and Lenin did NOT take aggressive approach.

Hiding within these two messages is the IMPLIED message that Stalin and Lenin both wanted to create a socialistic state. However, the last sentence is more about the differences between Stalin and Lenin than it is about shared goals.

Now compare that sentence with the highlighted sentence in the 2nd paragraph, which says

"With the OBJECTIVE of breeding gratitude and LOYALTY to the Soviet government, Lenin did X, Y and Z"

Later (in the 4th paragraph), it says that Stalin "...encouraged women to have more babies with the promise of mutual DEVOTION: the state would be responsible for their welfare, and the Soviet children would be expected to PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE to the state."

Since both sentences talk about the shared desire for the Soviet people to be LOYAL to the state, the best answer is the highlighted sentence in the 2nd paragraph.

Does that help?

Plz let me know is this a tone question or interference?
which of the following most accurately represents the author's treatment of traditionalism view point of Stalin's approach ?
greenlight-admin's picture

It's actually a structure question, since we're asked for a summary of the author's method of reasoning.

I am a little confused, where as that one of the example that instructor provided as a tone question is :
Which of the following most accurately describe the author opinion of Pickford Theory ?

and also in this question also mentioned: which of the following most accurately represent the author treatment of traditionalism view of Stalin?

The only differences is using treatment instead on opinion?

This is highly appreciated if explain in details.

greenlight-admin's picture

This question type is a bit of a hybrid question (part tone and part structure). That said, I feel that it's closer to a tone question.

The word TREATMENT doesn't necessarily have anything to do with feelings. It's usually a objective word that describes the steps taken to achieve some goal.

On the other hand, the word OPINION is subjective. It pertains to how someone feels about something.

The answer choices can often help us determine the question type.
For Question 1, the answer choices largely describe the structure of the passage.

Does that help?


Thanks a lot
Will take care next time.

Hi Brent, regarding question 3, As first 2 sentences of 2nd paragraph mentioned that Lenin believed that......could be acheived by nothing short of a complete dismantling of tsarist culture. Therefore not sure why B is not correct? Could you help clarify? Thanks Brent
greenlight-admin's picture

Lenin's goal was to completely dismantle the tsarist CULTURE, and the author provides many examples of what this means. Some examples include a greater appreciation of literacy, aesthetics, industry, secularism, and gender equality. Lennon also empowered women to divorce their husbands, have abortions, and vote.

Since the passage does NOT mention demolishing artifacts of tsarist Russia, we can't select answer choice B.

Thanks Brent.
So completely dismantle the tsarist CULTURE ≠ demolishing artifacts of tsarist Russia ?
greenlight-admin's picture


Think I'm a bit lost now.
Why are these two sentences not mean the same? Could you help clarify? Thanks Brent
greenlight-admin's picture

In the following lesson at, we say that that for inference questions, you must look for answer choices that MUST BE TRUE.

While it is POSSIBLE that Lenin COULD HAVE wanted to demolish artifacts of tsarist Russia, we can't be 100% certain of this.
In order to select choice B, we must be 100% certain that Lenin aimed to demolish ALL artifacts of tsarist Russia.

The same applies to answer choice C.
Although Lenin empowered women to divorce their husbands, we can't conclude with absolute certainty Lenin had no moral objection to divorce.
He MIGHT have had no moral objection to divorce, but we can't be 100% certain of this.

Crystal clear now.
So we can't equate/imply that believed = aimed to here.
Thanks Brent for great explanaiton always.

Hi Brent, could you help with question no.4 of this RC? Struggling to understand it. Thanks Brent
greenlight-admin's picture

Question link:

The passage tells us that, during some periods, the bottom layer of the world’s oceans comes from cold, dense water sinking in the far North Atlantic. This causes the warm surface waters of the Gulf Stream to be pulled northward. Bond realized that during such periods, the influx of these warm surface waters into northern regions could cause a large proportion of the icebergs that bear red grains to melt before traveling very far into the North Atlantic.

In other words, when it's really cold, the icebergs (bearing red grains) in the North Atlantic will melt faster, which means there will be more red grains on the bottom of the North Atlantic during that period of coldness.

So, the sediment cores from the North Atlantic’s deep waters of this time, should contain MORE red-stained grains. In other words, the amount of red stained grains should be closer to 17 percent than to 5 percent.

Does that help?

Thanks Brent.
I find it hard to get to the right answer as question ask sediment that correspond to Little Ice Age (appear in last paragraph). Whereas sediment is in 1st and 3rd paragraph. How to handle this type of question in exam condition or best to forgo it?
greenlight-admin's picture

The sediment cores show a ride variety of time frames.

Also to clarify are we interpreting red grains = sediment from the mentioned paragraph "The passage tells 5 percent"? Thanks Brent
greenlight-admin's picture

The red grains are PART of the sediment (e.g., 5% to 17%)

Hi Brent, could you help explain how is C has the weaken effect here? Thanks

As an example of the devastation wrought on music publishers by the photocopier, one executive noted that for a recent choral festival with 1,200 singers, the festival's organizing committee purchased only 12 copies of the music published by her company that was performed as part of the festival.

Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the support the example lends to the executive's contention that music publishers have been devastated by the photocopier?

A Only a third of the 1,200 singers were involved in performing the music published by the executive's company.
B Half of the singers at the festival had already heard the music they were to perform before they began to practice for the festival.
C Because of shortages in funding, the organizing committee of the choral festival required singers to purchase their own copies of the muic performed at the festival.
D Each copy of music that was performed at the festival was shared by two singers.
E As a result of publicity generated by its performance at the festival, the type of music performed at the festival became more widely known.
greenlight-admin's picture

Given: 1200 singers performed some song.
The ORGANIZERS (not the singers) purchased only 12 copies of the music.
Given all of this, it SEEMS like very few people purchased copies of the music.

However, answer choice C tells us the singers were required to purchase their own copies of the music.
So, if all of the singers purchased their own copies of the music, the conclusion that almost no one bought copies of the music is weakened.

Make sense thanks Brent.
To clarify so "that music publishers have been devastated by the photocopier?" = "that almost no one bought copies of the music" ?
Thanks Brent
greenlight-admin's picture

That's correct.
With a photocopier, everyone has the potential to avoid giving money to music publishers when they want to perform that music.

Get it thanks Brent for confirmaiton.

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