GRE Sentence Equivalence

In the GRE Sentence Equivalence module, you'll learn GRE-specific skills related to:

  • Identifying contextual clues
  • Predicting answers
  • Avoiding traps
  • Building your GRE vocabulary
  • Using prefixes and roots
  • Eliminating answer choices



  • 1. Lesson: Intro to Sentence Equivalence (3:25)
  • 2. Lesson: General Strategy - Part I (10:14)
  • 3. Question: Lawmakers (2:38)
  • 4. Question: Coffee Shop (1:58)
  • 5. Lesson: General Strategy - Part II (5:23)
  • 6. Question: New York Living Space (2:03)
  • 7. Question: Reality Television (2:00)
  • 8. Lesson: Building your Vocabulary (6:47)
  • 9. Lesson: Common Prefixes (5:21)
  • Download: GRE Word List #1 (basic)
  • Download: GRE Word List #2 (advanced)
  • Access the word lists via 500 basic words and 500 advanced words
  • 10. Lesson: Common Roots (5:01)
  • Download: Common Prefixes and Roots
  • 11. Lesson: Word Association (4:39)
  • 12. Lesson: Trap Answers (6:24)
  • 13. Question: Test Takers (1:55)
  • 14. Question: Declining Economy (2:02)
  • 15. Question: Gifts of Love (2:03)
  • 16. Question: Vehicle Maintenance (1:41)
  • 17. Question: President and Foreign Aid (1:25)
  • 18. Lesson: Sentence Equivalence Summary (3:19)
  • 19. Question: Broken Goalpost (1:40)
  • 20. Question: The Dissertation (1:22)
  • 21. Question: Tiny Tim (1:14)
  • 22. Question: The Lioness and her Cubs (1:30)
  • 23. Question: Post-Surgical Interviews (1:31)
  • 24. Question: Master and Apprentice (2:04)
  • 25. Question: Veda and her Tutor (2:07)
  • 26. Question: Trainer and Trainee (1:19)
  • 27. Question: Bobby and his Mother (1:51)
  • 28. Question: Goddard's Research (1:44)
  • 29. Question: Customer Service Line (1:34)
  • 30. Question: Body Types (2:19)
  • 31. Question: Black Holes and Death (1:35)
  • 32. Question: Gabe's Closest Friends (1:30)
  • 33. Question: Movies Watched as Adults (1:35)
  • 34. Question: Chocolate Torte (1:19)
  • 35. Question: Performers Offstage (1:56)
  • 36. Question: Battle of Marathon (2:22)
  • 37. Question: Criticizing Public Figures (1:57)
  • 38. Question: Kyle's Speeches (1:39)
Total viewing time for the GRE Sentence Equivalence module: 102 minutes.

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