Question: Hockey Strike

Comment on Hockey Strike

I can't understand that for first why you take descriptive word from the line next to second blank?
Meaning how you know that this is the descriptive word can be used for blank...
I m confused. Plz help..
greenlight-admin's picture

The key words we use to help predict words (to go in the blanks) can be found anywhere in the passage, not just in the sentence in which the blank appears.

So, in this question, the word "anticipated" (from the first sentence) suggests that everyone was expecting a certain outcome.

When that outcome did "not come to pass," the commentators reacted in a certain way.

This is where things get tricky.

Remember that, with Text Completion questions, there's no definite word that MUST go in a blank. All we need to ensure is that the word fits the context of the passage.

So, for example, when that outcome did "not come to pass," the commentators COULD have had a reaction different from "surprise." For example, the commentators could have been "confused."

So, if I didn't find a synonym for "surprise," I'd have to start looking for other words that would fit.

Does that help?


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