GRE Word Problems

In this module, you'll learn all of the concepts, techniques and strategies needed to answer word problems on the GRE. In particular, this module covers:

  • Assigning variables
  • Writing equations
  • Testing the answer choices
  • Age questions
  • Motion questions (distance-rate-time)
  • Work questions
  • Double-matrix & Venn diagrams
  • General sequences
  • Recursive sequences
  • Sums of sequences
  • Growth tables
  • Mixture/solution questions
  • Variables in the answer choices



  • 1. Lesson: Introduction to Word Problems (2:55)
  • 2. Lesson: Testing the Answer Choices (5:37)
  • 3. Lesson: Assigning Variables (9:21)
  • 4. Lesson: Writing Equations (8:17)
  • 5. Question: Marge’s Chocolates (2:29)
  • 6. Question: Toasters, Kettles and Blenders (2:04)
  • 7. Question: Nessa and Capri (3:01)
  • 8. Lesson: How Many Variables to Assign (5:34)
  • 9. Question: Hockey versus Football (2:33)
  • 10. Lesson: Solving Age Questions (5:51)
  • 11. Question: Nick, Mack and Chad (2:37)
  • 12. Question: Ages of Ebo and Atu (2:53)
  • 13. Lesson: Introduction to Motion Questions (9:38)
  • 14. Question: Traveling at x Miles Per Hour (2:46)
  • 15. Lesson: Finding the Average Speed (6:15)
  • 16. Question: Nani’s Average Speed (2:49)
  • 17. Lesson: Multiple Trips or Multiple Travelers (9:29)
  • 18. Question: Cole’s Travel Time (2:57)
  • 19. Lesson: Shrinking and Expanding Gaps (3:31)
  • 20. Question: Devi and Mark (4:39)
  • 21. Lesson: Work Questions (8:51)
  • 22. Question: Lawn Mowers (1:55)
  • 23. Lesson: Double Matrix Method (4:33)
  • 24. Question: Gigacorp Managers (2:42)
  • 25. Lesson: 3-Criteria Venn Diagrams (6:15)
  • 26. Question: Car Options (3:14)
  • 27. Lesson: Introduction to Sequences (4:41)
  • 28. Question: Sequence with k (1:31)
  • 29. Lesson: Recursive Definitions of Terms (5:18)
  • 30. Question: Find the Value of Term 4 (1:48)
  • 31. Lesson: Sums of Sequences (4:44)
  • 32. Question: Sum of 40 to 60 (3:17)
  • 33. Lesson: Growth Tables (1:59)
  • 34. Question: Hummingbird Feeder (2:15)
  • 35. Lesson: Mixture Questions (5:39)
  • 36. Question: Combining Solutions W and X (3:16)
  • 37. Lesson: Variables in the Answer Choices (7:19)
  • 38. Lesson: Tips for the Algebraic Approach (4:08)
  • 39. Lesson: Tips for the Input-Output Approach (7:02)
  • 40. Question: Elvira’s Tennis Wins (3:17)
  • 41. Question: Taxi Ride (2:54)
  • 42. Question: Apples and Oranges (1:02)
  • 43. Question: Figs and Prunes (2:18)
  • 44. Question: Dawn Goes Shopping (1:51)
  • 45. Question: Ages of June and Moe (2:28)
  • 46. Question: Curt & Omar Paint a Fence (2:39)
  • 47. Question: Robin's Paycheck (2:16)
  • 48. Question: Multiples of 5 (0:54)
  • 49. Question: Cable TV and Kitchenette (3:13)
  • 50. Question: Rani’s Average Speed (3:30)
  • 51. Question: Machines W, X and Y (3:20)
  • 52. Question: Rugby Players & Chess Players (2:43)
  • 53. Question: Bill and Ted in a Race (3:58)
  • 54. Question: Cashews (2:33)
Total viewing time for the GRE Word Problems module: 215 minutes.

Practice from the Official Guide

Practice the skills and GRE-specific strategies you learned in this module by answering the following questions from the Official Guide to the GRE (3rd edition):

  • 115(2), 124(4), 131(5), 156(5), 160(1), 161(5), 162(9), 168(12), 261(1), 262(9), 262(12), 262(14-16)


Here are the related questions in the Official Guide to the GRE (1st or 2nd edition):

  • 110(2), 119(4), 146(5), 150(1), 151(5), 152(8-9), 158(12), 243(1), 244(9-14), 245(15-16) 


Note: The above practice questions are listed in the form page#(question#). So, for example, 110(2) represents question #2 on page 110.

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