Lesson: Function Notation

Comment on Function Notation

In the taxi ride example, when you switch to function notation, why make C the function name rather than the variable to be found? i.e., Why not just express it as:
"If f(c)=1.50m+2.50, what is the value of f(4)?"
Wouldn't that be more logical? Or am I missing some nuance?
greenlight-admin's picture

There are no rules regarding how to name/denote functions, however, I chose to name the function "C" since we'll use it to determine the Cost of the trip.

Likewise, if I create a function to determine the Height of a ball t seconds after it is tossed, I might name the function "H" to indicate that the function outputs the Height of the ball, as in H(t) = 20 - 4.9t²

The input value in my example is x represents the number of miles driven.
I could also have defined the cost function as C(m) = 1.50m + 2.50, where m represents the number of miles driven.

Your function,f(c) = 1.50m + 2.50, has a few issues.
The biggest problem is that is asks us to enter a c-value, but the expression (formula) does not contain any c's. To fix it, we might write f(c) = 1.50c + 2.50

Of course, it's important to also note that c represents the number of miles driven, and NOT the cost of the trip.


As per my understanding, an equation becomes undefined when it is divided by 0 and there is no value. In this question, the equation as three parts to it. For example, if x = -4, then (x-4)^2 and root (x+3) is going to be undefined but the last fraction 5/(x+2) will have a value.
As the last fraction gives a value, should be treat the entire equation as undefined?

greenlight-admin's picture

Question link: https://gre.myprepclub.com/forum/assume-the-function-f-x-is-defined-as-f...

If ANY part of the expression is undefined, then the entire expression is undefined.
If EVERY part of the expression is defined, then the entire expression is defined.

For example, 2 and 5 are both defined.
So, the sum, 2 + 5, is defined.
We know this, because 2 + 5 = 7, and 7 is defined.

Here's a different example:
2 is defined, but 1/0 is undefined.
So, the sum, 2 + 1/0, is undefined.
We know this, because the sum, 2 + 1/0, does not have a definite value.

Does that help?


n² - 24n - 145.
I find it hard to factor out huge numbers. Is there a trick to it?
greenlight-admin's picture

Here's the video on factoring quadratics: https://www.greenlighttestprep.com/module/gre-algebra-and-equation-solvi...

We want to factor n² - 24n - 145

We're looking for two values that have a product of 145 AND a sum of -24

So, start looking for pairs of number that have a product of 145
For each pair of values, we'll ask "Can we get a sum of -24 with this pair?"

1 and 145
"Can we get a sum of -24 with this pair? No.

5 and 29
"Can we get a sum of -24 with this pair?
5 + (-29) = -24

So, n² - 24n - 145 = (x + 5)(x - 29)


I thought the solution would be k-1=3x+2 then solve for X and substitute
greenlight-admin's picture

Question link: https://gre.myprepclub.com/forum/challenge-if-f-3x-2-9x-12x-1-then-f-k-1...

We can't assume that k - 1 = 3x + 2. Here's why:

We're told that f(3x + 2) = 9x² + 12x - 1
IF it were the case that f(k - 1) = 9k² + 12k - 1, then we could assume that k - 1 = 3x + 2 [since both inputs yield the same output]

However, we don't know what the output for f(k - 1) is.

Does that help?


Hi Brent ,

in this i just taken f(1) and then sbstitued 1 in t to get in f(1)=1*k
so k=k

Is this a right approach
greenlight-admin's picture

Hi Sri,

Great observation!
It turns out that we don't even need to use the given information that f(3) = 1/2

If f(t) = kt, then f(1) = k(1) = k, which means the two quantities are equal.
Great work!

hi Brent,

I am working on a practice problem on this topic and am really stuck. It's this one:

If f(2x - 1) = 4x² - 4x - 8, then f(5) =

Someone in the comments said that the first step is doing 2x−1=5.

Can you explain why that would be the first step? I can make sense of the rest of their explanation, but that first part just throws me.
greenlight-admin's picture

Question link: https://gre.myprepclub.com/forum/if-f-2x-1-4x-4x-8-then-f-10361.html

Notice that, if x = 3, then 2x-1 = 5
In other words, when x = 3, (2x - 1) and 5 have the same value.
In other words, when x = 3, f(2x - 1) = f(5)

So, f(5) = f[2(3) - 1] = 4(3²) - 4(3) - 8

Does that help?

By the way, I added one more solution to the question here: https://gre.myprepclub.com/forum/if-f-2x-1-4x-4x-8-then-f-10361.html#p51690

yes, thanks!

hi Brent,
can we have a topic wise test here such as on algebra , arithmetic( speed time distance , ratios) in that way ?
greenlight-admin's picture

We don't have any topic-wise tests, but you can create topic-wise tests by using GRE Prep Club's filters.
For example, this graphic https://imgur.com/w8uo3gc shows you how to define the topic, difficulty level and source to create a list of Quantitative Comparison questions that test only Algebra.

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