Lesson: Consecutive Integers

Comment on Consecutive Integers

When you say that every nth integer is divisible by n, you mean that we start counting from 0, correct?
greenlight-admin's picture

Good question.

It doesn't really matter where we start counting. All that matters is that multiples of n appear once every n integers.

That said, if we start from 0, then a multiple of n will appear once every n integers.

I know that 0 is considered an integer in GRE. But is 0 considered as a positive integer, or a non-positive one?
greenlight-admin's picture

0 is neither positive nor negative.
So, we can say that 0 is a non-negative integer, or we can say that 0 is a non-positive integer.


This video was so helpful. Great shortcuts.


For this question I realized that in drawing up any 5 consecutive odd integers, and any 7 consecutive odd integers, at least 1 number is divisibly by 3. So couldn't we just look at something that is divisible by 3 and that would land us up at E?
greenlight-admin's picture

Question link: https://gre.myprepclub.com/forum/which-of-the-following-integers-can-be-...

Be careful. Just because one value in a sum may be divisible by 3, that doesn't mean the sum of all five odd integers will be divisible by 3.
For example, in the sum 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9, two of the numbers are divisible by 3.
However, the sum of all five integers is 25, which is not divisible by 3.

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