Lesson: Introduction to Fractions

Comment on Introduction to Fractions

Oh my! Are you Canadian?
greenlight-admin's picture

Ha - I get that a lot!
Yes, I am Canadian. What gave me away?

I think the way you pronounce fraction.
greenlight-admin's picture

Ha! You're not the first person to point out that my pronunciation of "frack-shun" gives me away :-)

Go Leafs Go?
greenlight-admin's picture

Leafs!?!? No.
Canucks, yes!!

Good to know that you are Canadian...but how come you teach GRE Prep classes when in reality only a few Canadian schools request a GRE Test score for graduate admissions?.
greenlight-admin's picture

You're right about not many Canadian schools requiring the GRE, however, a lot of Canadians go to the US for graduate programs.

just getting this information that few of Canadian schools require GRE. why is it like that and which exam is preferred
greenlight-admin's picture

Most schools that accept both the GRE and the GMAT make no distinction between the tests. So, I suggest you take the one that is best suited to you.


The Practice converting mixed fractions - MathIsFun.com worksheet #10 says 1/9=1/9 but my answer was 2/18 because it was an equivalent fraction & therefore improper. I am unsure why they have 1/9 as the answer. Can you explain?
greenlight-admin's picture

That's a bad question, since 1/9 can't be converted to an improper fraction.

2/18 is equivalent to 1/9, but neither fraction is improper (since the numerators are less than their denominators)


On #5, 8 and 12 of the Practice converting entire fractions to mixed fraction - MathIsFun.com the answers seemed not to be mixed fractions. For #5 I wrote 16 0/1 because I could not think of another way to convert 16 to a mixed fraction and I think 16 is technically a whole number if left as is. Is my logic flawed or the worksheet?
greenlight-admin's picture

The GRE test-makers would say 16 and 16 0/1 are NOT mixed fractions.

From the Official Guide: A mixed number (aka mixed fraction) consists of an integer part and a fraction part, where the fraction part has a value between 0 and 1.

Don't worry about those 3 questions.


Ok, thanks.

Brent--you have a very expressive voice and are more captivating than any math how-to video I've ever seen! Most math teachers I've had/watched videos of have really monotoned, boring voices. Yours is great!
greenlight-admin's picture

Thanks Hannah. That's nice of you to say!

Hi, great videos. Just wanted to point out the last three links from mathisfun.com are not working.
greenlight-admin's picture

Fixed. Thanks for the heads up!


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